Labour / Le Travail
Issue 88 (2021)

Contributors / Collaborateurs

Benjamin Anderson is a PhD candidate in the School of Communication at Simon Fraser University (sfu), where he studies work and organizing in artisanal industries. He is involved in a number of worker-led campaigns and initiatives seeking to build organizational capacity for precarious workers in these industries. He teaches in sfu’s Labour Studies Program and School of Communication. His work can be found in Unmediated: Journal of Politics and Communication, topia: Canadian Journal of Cultural Studies, and Stream: Interdisciplinary Journal of Communication.

Eric Blanc is a doctoral candidate in sociology at New York University researching working-class politics, teacher strikes, and the impact of new digital technologies on labour organizing. He is the author of Red State Revolt: The Teachers’ Strike Wave and Working-Class Politics (2019) and Revolutionary Social Democracy: Working-Class Politics across the Russian Empire, 1882–1917 (2021).

David Frank is a professor emeritus in history at the University of New Brunswick. He is the author of J. B. McLachlan: A Biography (1999) and other publications in Canadian labour and social history.

Manek Kolhatkar is a postdoctoral researcher at Université de Sherbrooke, Département de philosophie et d’éthique appliquée, Chaire de Recherche du Canada en Épistémologie Pratique. He specializes in ancient and digital technologies, hunter-gatherer societies, skill, and epistemology. He holds a PhD in anthropology from Université de Montréal. From 2006 to 2020, he worked as a contractual archaeologist for various firms in Québec. He co-founded the Centre de normalisation du travail en archéologie québécoise, a non-union workers’ organization, in 2018 and the Syndicat national des archéologues du Québec (snaq-csn), the first sector-wide archaeological union in Québec, in 2019.

Martijn Konings is professor of Political Economy and Social Theory at the University of Sydney. He is the author of The Development of American Finance (2011), The Emotional Logic of Capitalism (2015), Neoliberalism (with Damien Cahill; 2017), Capital and Time (2018), and The Asset Economy (with Lisa Adkins and Melinda Cooper; 2020). During the 2021–22 academic year he holds a fellowship at the Berggruen Institute in Los Angeles.

Ian MacDonald is associate professor at the École de relations industrielles, Université de Montréal. His research interests include labour geography, Marxist political economy, precarious work, and trade-union strategy. He holds a PhD in political science from York University.

Stephen Maher is a postdoctoral fellow at Ontario Tech University and assistant editor of the Socialist Register. He is also co-editor of State Transformations: Classes, Strategy, Socialism (with Greg Albo and Alan Zuege; 2021) and co-author of The Socialist Challenge Today: Syriza, Corbyn, Sanders (with Leo Panitch and Sam Gindin; 2020). He received his PhD from York University in 2020.

Stephanie Ross is associate professor and director of the School of Labour Studies at McMaster University. Her teaching and research focuses on the politics, strategy, and internal structures of labour and social movements. 

Joan Sangster, Vanier Professor Emeritus, Trent University, has published on the history of women, work, and the labour movement; feminism and the Left; law and criminalization; and settler-Indigenous relations in Canada. Her writing on feminist historiography includes articles on oral history, labour, and gender as categories of analysis and socialist-feminist critique. Her most recent book is Demanding Equality: One Hundred Years of Canadian Feminism (ubc Press, 2021). 

Larry Savage is chair of the Department of Labour Studies at Brock University. His research focuses on the politics of organized labour in Canada.

Charles Smith (PhD York) is an associate professor in the Department of Political Science at St. Thomas More College, University of Saskatchewan. His research interests include Canadian and international political economy, public law, labour unions, and federal and provincial public policy. He is the author of Transforming Provincial Politics (2015), Unions in Court (2017), and most recently (with Craig Heron) The Canadian Labour Movement, 4th ed. (2020). He has also authored numerous articles on Saskatchewan politics, labour in court, and labour history and is coeditor of Labour/Le Travail

Rosemary Warskett is a retired professor, Law and Legal Studies, Carleton University, and retired senior representative, Public Service Alliance of Canada.

Reg Whitaker is Distinguished Research Professor Emeritus, York University, and adjunct professor of political science, University of Victoria. He has published extensively on politics and history. His most recent book is Secret Service: Political Policing in Canada from the Fenians to Fortress North America (with Gregory S. Kealey and Andrew Parnaby, 2012). He was for many decades a colleague and friend of Leo Panitch.