Vol. 7 (1981)

Labour and Working-Class History in Canada: Prospects in the 1980s

Gregory S. Kealey
Memorial University, St John's, Newfoundland

Published 1981-01-01

How to Cite

Kealey, G. S. (1981). Labour and Working-Class History in Canada: Prospects in the 1980s. Labour Le Travail, 7, 67–94. Retrieved from https://lltjournal.ca/index.php/llt/article/view/2657


THIS ESSAY IS A contribution to the debate concerning the direction of social and working-class history. Comments are made on periodization, regionalism, ethnicity, and culture. Class analysis and the utility of culture for the study of Canadian workers are strongly defended. L'ARTICLE VEUT APPORTER une réflexion sur l'orientation de l'histoire sociale et ouvrière. Des thèmes comme la périodisation, le régionalisme, l'ethnicité et la culture seront abordés. L'auteur défend fermement l'analyse de classe et la nécessité d'étudier la culture ouvrière pour comprendre les travailleurs canadiens.