Vol. 24 (1989)
Research Reports / Notes de Recherche

Farm Women: Some Contemporary Themes

Published 1989-02-02

How to Cite

Cooper, B. J. (1989). Farm Women: Some Contemporary Themes. Labour Le Travail, 24, 167–180. Retrieved from https://lltjournal.ca/index.php/llt/article/view/4738


This report examines some of the persistent themes in the social science literature about farm women since the middle of this century. It is one researcher's attempt to deal with the wide variety of perspectives from which farm women have been studied and to suggest the usefulness of some of the material for future scholarship. Résumé Cet article examine certains thèmes sur les fermières, tirés des écrits en science sociale depuis le milieu du vingtième siècle. Il s'agit d'une tentative d'appréhender la grande diversité de perspectives qui ont servi à étudier les fermières et de suggérer l'utilité de certains écrits pour la recherche.