'In Search Of The Unbound Prometheia': A Comparative View Of Women's Activism in Two Quebec Industries, 1869-1908 Jacques Ferland 11-44 PDF
Itinéraires professionnels masculins et féminins en milieu bancaire: Le cas de la Banque d'Hochelaga, 1900-1929 Michèle Dagenais 45-68 PDF
Separate Spheres: the Organization of Work in a Confectionery Factory: Ganong Bros., St Stephen, New Brunswick Margaret E. McCallum 69-90 PDF
Le recul du travail des enfants au Québec entre 1940 et 1960: une explication des conflits entre les familles pauvres et l'État providence Dominique Jean 91-129 PDF
Feminism, Class Consciousness and Household-Work Linkages Among Registered Nurses in Victoria William K. Carroll, Rennie Warburton 131-145 PDF
Times Were Hard: The Pattern of Women's Paid Labour in St. John's Between the Two World Wars Nancy M. Forestell 147-166 PDF
The Canadian Labour Bibliography / La Biliograhique du mouvement ouvrier Canadien LLT Journal 195-218 PDF
The Retrieval of Labour History in the United States: A review of two recent films on the class war in the West Virginia coal fields Errol Black, Joe Dolecki 253-264 PDF